Showing posts with label John Marsh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Marsh. Show all posts

Monday, March 16, 2009

Published Mistakes

It is always embarrassing when you make a mistake in a novel that gets published. A fan recently pointed out that Margaret Mitchell's husband was John Marsh, not John Walsh, as was in my book Frankly My Dear, I’m Dead. Yes, I know his name is Marsh. I do not know how I changed it to Walsh. I went over that book three times and still missed that one. I’m not even sure where the name Walsh came from. I have had problems with switching letters around in the past. I misspelled the word the in an entire manuscript before I had spell check. Fortunately I had find and replace and was able to make a quick fix. This little glitch in my brain is the reason I have to check, double check, and then triple check everything. It sure does slow down writing, and it's frustrating that mistakes still get through.